Hot weather = less that means accessories count that much more. From funky costume jewelry to add-4-inches-instantly wedges, there's something for every style.
Trainer to the Stars, VINCENT MAGGIO, Dishes to LFC. Read the FULL Interview Here:
Dude Has Awesome Hair
What John Fairchild Said
"Style is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style."
Comfy & Stylin' Tees...Click on Pic!
Hair We Heart
Swipe These Leading Lady Looks
What Karl Lagerfeld Said
"What I hate most in life are people who are not really the peach of the day but who want to be young and sexy. You can fool nobody. There is a moment when you have to accept that somebody else is younger and fresher and hotter. Life is not a beauty contest.”
My DREAM Closet Would Include THis amazing swag (CLICK to See Each Item):