AT LONG LAST!After dozens of (hilarious, informed and simply brilliant) responses, the votes have been tallied and we have the official results. I gotta say, I was surprised by a few winners - you guys are not at all predictable, no matter how much the magazines try to spoon-feed us style!
So, without further ado...the winners are:
1. Flats or Heels?
WINNER: Heels (68% could care less about pain, bring on the glam gams)
2. What's Your Skin Style?
WINNER: No Tan (48%) followed very closely by Natural Tan (44%) - which means only 2% of you go for the liquid tan...what does this mean for the shelves of golden goop on the market these days???
3. The "IT" Hair for 2009
WINNER: Long, long, long, wavy (48%)- sorry hipster honeys, it may take a few more years for girls to catch up to your asymmetrical shag. The runner-up was Straight bangs, updated 70s style (20%).
4. If you could swap closets with one famous person (living or deceased) who would it be?
The most popular response was Kate Moss, but here are a few other honorable mentions: Carla Bruni, Pink, Ann Taylor, Dita von Teese, Penelope Cruz, Anne Hathaway, Reese Witherspoon, Madonna, Gwen Stefani, Natalie Portman, Sofia Coppola and (drum roll) ARSENIO HALL!!! Yes, parachute pants ARE back - on the racks, anyway.
5. Played-Out Trend That Needs to Go Now
WINNER: Shapeless Babydoll Dresses/Tops!! (40% of you are SICK of the pregnant look.)
The silver trophy goes to Shameless Highlights (28%) and third place are Ray-Ban Wayfarers (12%) - personally, I think there's plenty of shelf life left on the Ray-Bans.
6. What's Your Plastic Preference?
WINNER: Pass the Plastic!!! With almost half the votes (48%), Florida Fashionistas opt for au natural. But, for those who would knife it, it's an even split between boob job and collagen - (16% each).
7. If you had a magical fashion wand, which trend would you make catch on - because it's soooo friggin' cute?
I'm going to ignore the "stilts" response and move on to our most popular: HATS! Yes, the STYLO-O-MANIACS have spoken and they want you to cover up the stripper streaks with hats.
Other FABULOUS responses include: Scarves, 1950s housewife dresses, aprons, colorful tights, neutrals, ruffles, barrettes, pink streaks, overalls, high-waisted pants, animal prints and Indian prints.
8. Favorite nail polish color this season?
WINNER: Seriously Deep Burgundies, Plums and Crimsons (28%) - maybe it's the recent popularity of vampires calling to our inner goth chick?
Fire-engine Red came in second with 20% of the votes, followed by Le French Manicure (16%) and a tie for fourth place: Moody Blues & Purples and Sweet-as-Sugar Light Pinks & Nudes - both snagged 12%.
9. Boots with the Fur?
WINNER: Oh No You Didn't (60%) - HATERS! ;)
10. What do you spend most of your wardrobe allowance on?
WINNER: Surprise, surprise. Bags & Accessories AND Shoes TIED for FIRST!!! (28% each) Shout out to Louis, Jimmy, Christian, Coach, Prada, Valentino and MJ!! Yoo hoo!!
A close second was tops (24%) and in last place was cosmetics - no one voted for that. Sorry Sephora. I still love you.
11. You can take two of your favorite items from your burning closet ... what are they?
La la LOVED your answers - some were cute, some were naughty, some were sentimental and some were downright philosophical! I just want to have cocktails with all of you right now!!!
The most popular response was WEDDING DRESS. No one leaves Vera in a burning closet, apparently.
Here are a few other gems: Red cowboy boots, DKNY Soho Jeans (I am CRAZY about DKNY jeans), Trina Turk silk tunic dress (OMG! We need to find this person's closet pronto!!!), "Nothing, change is good" - more power to you, sister!!!, Levis from college, Hermes purse, honeymoon heels, photo albums, vintage Chanel bag, Longines watch, dark green pea coat, rain Wellies and girl toy - watch out!
12. When you meet a woman, what's the first thing you notice (fashion-wise)?
WINNER: HAIR! (52%) Whoa! So, make sure your mane looks good when you hobnob, ladies - because it's definitely being checked out!!!
A distant second is shoes (24%)- some gals go to the top, others focus on the bottom. This is good - because unlike my ass, my feet and hair never gain weight!! Third place is your handbag, so rock your little Louis or no-name head-turner - 16% of you are looking.
13. What fashion crime do Florida girls most commonly commit that gives the rest of us a bad name?
Two-words: Muffin Top!!! This was the landslide response. What's so bad about seeing a few pounds of flesh dripping over the sides of squeezed-tight denim??? I don't get it.
Check out these great words of warning:
"Plastic ain't fantastic. If you look like you had work done, why bother?"
"If I had to pick one, it's exposing your bra. I'm guilty of it, but I'm pleading temporary insanity."
"Too much at once ... fashion overkill! Editing needed ASAP."
"Short skirts when it's cold."
14. Nina Garcia
WINNER: OVER HER (60%). Enough said.
15. So ahead of the fashion curve, a Ferrari couldn't keep pace
WINNER: Kate Moss, dah-ling. She snagged 36% of the vote. And in second place, Posh Spice Beckham, Esq. (24%).
In last place was Angelina Jolie, with a measly 4% (what, you're not dying for a closet full of taupe sweater sets?)
16. List your 3 must-have beauty essentials, s'il vous plait
By far, MASCARA and LIP GLOSS were the most mentioned beauty essentials. Trailed closely by moisturizer, tweezers and hairspray.
A few other interesting picks were fishnet stockings (an essential, really?); classy purse AND classy shoes; SPANX; prescription-strength deodorant; magnifying mirror and nose ring!
17. Which of these descriptions best defines your style?
WINNER: A TIE! Classic, polished, a little preppy AND A bit boho, a bit artsy BOTH received 24% of the votes each. I'm really digging the diversity here!!!
Number 2 was the Luxe Look (20%) and the bronze medal goes to Funky and Fearless (12%). Only 4% of you are Sporty and Outdoorsy...go figure!
18. Truly Delicious On-screen Fashion Moment
WINNER: The divine Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's! She stole 52% of the votes!!! Truly La Florida Chic's fashion Queen.
The runners-up include: Little Miss Prada, Anne Hathaway in her boots & jacket ensemble from The Devil Wears Prada (16%);
A tie for third place: Julia Robers in her red-dress Pretty Woman moment and Olivia Newton-John in her hot-mama black leather number from Grease. Both sirens took 12% of the votes.
Last place was the unforgettable Vivien Leigh as feisty and fiery Scarlett from Gone With the Wind, wearing the red dress at Ashley's birthday party (if you don't know what I'm talking about, PLEASE rent this movie forthwith).
19. Your Idea of a SEXY Outfit for a Dude
WINNER: Worn-in Jeans and a White Tee (40%). Come on, what's sexier than that? Unless you're Christian Bale, and then it would just be the undies, I guess.
And for all you power-hungry pussycats, the classic suit was number 2! Armani would be very happy to know this. While sixteen percent of you voted for the rocker look: leather pants and all! Sadly, no one gets all hot for sports attire (basketball shorts and running shoes). Sorry guys, we really do want you to change when you leave the gym.
*********************AND FINALLY!!!!*********************
20. I feel sexy when
WINNER: I worked out that day! (28%) Proof that Florida girls really do take amazing care of their bodies - living healthily = feeling sexy, not bad!
Hair makes another appearance - so don't feel guilty about your astronomical salon bills, it really does count! Twenty percent of you said you feel sexy when your hair looks good.
Dancing nabbed 3rd place - with 16% of gals feeling hot when they're tearing a rug. DEAD last was shaving - only 4% said a smooth bod turned up their heat.
WOO HOO!!!! Thank you guys soooo much for voting - the response was seriously AMAZING! And didn't we learn so much about each other - or at least confirm what we already knew???
Please keep e-mailing, letting me know what's going on in your city and if you're in the biz (designers, stylists, dieticians, interior decorators - whatev) please holler - I'm launching a series of HOW-TO interviews with experts like you!!! Thanks again everyone!!! MUWAH! xo