Bebe is practically the official state chain retailer. Even in the dead of winter (54 degrees) girls will forgo warmth in favor of hotness.
And Florida guys are not excluded from check-me-out flashiness. If the girls are all about short n' stretchy synthetics, then the dudes are equally addicted to painfully blinged-out (and overplayed) Ed Hardy-esque wear, too-tight shirts, 70s era chest exposure and slicked and spiked hair.
Not that showing off a hot bod is a bad thing - but there is something to be said for restrained sexiness. Funky sexiness without cleavage or a brand splattered across your chest. Interesting sexiness that hints at some mystery; some dark, exciting past; stories that will make people talk. The kind of sexiness that Prince was singing about in "Kiss."
Check out these on-the-street fashion finds and let me know if you feel me...or if it just leaves you cold.
September 2008, Tampa, Hyde Park:

Get her cute and quirky look:

Florida dude on van:

How to swipe his style:

Super Cute Scenester Lass With Awesome Hair & Legs in Ybor City:

Try This Elegantly Hip Style:

Structured, confident Florida bombshell:

Create your own suited and booted (and not-completely-stoic) look: