Less is more. But more is fantastic.

This everything-goes, screw-the-rules era of fashion-ness is more than my free-wheeling Aquarius heart can take. And Florida is a friggin’ hotbed of fashion anarchy.

I absolutely adore all the piling on of the accessories, mismatched and mottled prints, Anthropologie-esque girliness mixed with sex-kitten sass, the gypsy-queen-meets-tennis-coach look, the homemade knits and scarves and bangles and costume jewelry and fringe and no-apologies tattoos and patent belts and knee-high socks and fedoras and vests and fingerless gloves and whatever the eff you want to wear! Except for white patent shoes. Please. Stop. No. Okay – only if you absolutely must.

I really, really love it.

And – I must say – even though the much-ballyhooed series Mad Men is informing some of the fashion this season, it’s going to be an uphill battle to turn back our creative little no-rules sensibilities and inspire people to spend hours contemplating a total look. The perfect ring. A sweet, uncomplicated silhouette. Smart bobs and pressed button-downs. We’ll have to see how much real estate those late-50s fashion cats can claim from the messy and mixed-up world of today’s delightfully scizho style. Until then, let’s enjoy the show from the Sunshine State.

Totally diggin' the yellow tube socks.